Available for Psychic Medium Readings
Author of A Rose Has Cried but Has Not Died

Norma Okun


A Rose Has Cried But Has Not Died
In A Rose Has Cried but Has Not Died, Norma Okun offers a harrowing, raw memoir of extreme childhood sexual abuse and child trafficking at the hands of cultists who destroyed her childhood—and continued to follow and destroy her adult life, including ensuring her parental rights were terminated and her husband’s medical career was ruined.
Amazingly, Norma perseveres in living to tell her truth, a quality she attributes to the wonder of meeting poet Eli Siegel, who introduced her to the philosophy of Aesthetic Realism.
In Norma’s own words, trying to recall suppressed memories of child abuse: is like entering a new city at night and waiting until dawn to see what it looks like. The light of the sun has left, and the moon appears, and the trees turn black. Until dawn comes and things begin to appear.
Fortunately, she has persevered in a life-changing memoir no one will ever forget, as she tries to rebuild her life and stay grounded in love, God, and clarity. And the workings of Aesthetic Realism.
"First I have to say, I adore Norma, that she had the guts to write that all down. It must be terrible for her so re-live it all again.
So much heartache, no wonder she slipped into amnesia. She put it out of her mind, so she could live, with so much bodily abuse.
But she was gifted as well, with little miracles in times of great dark times. This book is an eyeopener for me, what is going on around the world. so much cruelty and abuse, one can't comprehend, if is not happening to that person. Inconceivable."
- Gigi Sedlmayer, Book Winning Author of the Talon Excellence Award Finalist 2/26/2019

A New Holistic Approach to Herpes
Psychobioimmunology and Aesthetic Realism: Big Words: Don't Let Them Scare You!
This book starts out with enough medical terminology to make your head swim, but if you want knowledge, you will learn more about herpes from Dr. Okun (who had herpes himself, so he also KNOWS what it feels like) than you ever thought you could. Lucky you, you won’t have to take a test!
You are not alone. Statistics on the number of people who have had herpes at one time or another in their life is staggering. Some have it once; others recurring bouts traumatize not only their body but their psyche.
The real heart of this book is the case studies that illustrate what Aesthetic Realism is all about and how using this tool can highly increase the likelihood of eradicating your having any more herpes outbreaks and decreasing your “Isn’t it Awful/Poor Me” thoughts.
Holistic in its approach and methodology, you will see how your thoughts, your feelings, your internal messages you give yourself, and your traumas in life all play a role in your physicality. You will learn how to embrace and integrate ALL of you in your polarities, i.e., the opposites within your consciousness, and heal mentally, emotionally, and physically... as it all goes together. The conversations in the case studies in this book make you “hear” the messages as you relate to their issues. It’s like eavesdropping on people’s deepest secrets and unresolved issues.
Our secrets can keep us sick, and our goal is to thrive in life.
About Norma

I have been a psychic medium for the past 25 years using a method based on the principles of how the philosophy of Aesthetic Realism sees art, self and the world. This involves seeing art and the theory of opposites as a way to understand yourself and the people closest to you.
I am currently reading people individually over the phone who live mainly in England, Australia, and Ireland through the company I have been working for the past two years. Prior to this, I read at a famous tea room in the French Quarter in New Orleans for four years. I began speaking to people in 1973 when I studied and taught Aesthetic Realism in Soho, in New York City in Spanish and in English and appeared on TV and Radio with my then colleagues. Prior to that I was an equity actress and loved drama, not only on stage, but I was able to make good sense of my own drama of being a severely abused child abuse victim, the hurt victim. Hope you will read my book A Rose has Cried as it is my blood poured on every page and with all of me I can say I have a lot to share and can give you the same hope that has kept me alive and in touch with the beauty we were born to honor in this beautiful world that is both kind and cruel. Drama brings the two sides of ourselves and the world together. Every artist, poet, and the individual is trying to understand his relation to the outside world. The drama that is the most acute is the one that Hamlet fought within him. It is like the one inside of us. We want to take action against a world that is full of cruelty and we like to stay in our corner and not be bothered. But your serious side and your happy side are together forever. Even if you don't have hope. The light of the sun is there, no matter how dark and cloudy it is. Thank you for wanting to stop by and read these words. I hope to talk to you soon. xx Norma Okun
My husband and I have spoken and helped others with how they saw themselves dealing with the herpes virus and we believe in the fact that understanding erases the pain.
If you wish to speak with me, make an appointment. If you wish to speak with Dr. Okun and me we will be happy to speak to you.
You can leave a message for us HERE and we will be happy to arrange appointments over the phone or in person.
Thank you for your visit!
About James D. Okun, MD

James D. Okun, MD is a Phi Beta Kappa graduate of Duke University and of the Albert Einstein College of Medicine in New York. He completed his transitional internship at Framingham Union Hospital in Framingham, MA and completed a year of Ophthalmology Residency at the Ochsner Medical Foundation in New Orleans, LA.
Dr. Okun practiced Family and Emergency Medicine for 10 years and has a strong interest in Preventive Medicine and the effects of the mind and emotions on disease. He has studied Aesthetic Realism since1985. He is also a co-author of Erasing Scars: Herpes and Healing and The History of New Innovations in Modern Medicine.

Private readings are available by appointment,
phone and are payable in advance by Paypal.
Reading rates are as follows:

20 minute
40 minute
60 minute